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The purpose of weather pointing can be beneficial in ensuring the integrity of your home’s walls, by ensuring the integrity of the walls during extremely harsh weather. To safeguard the rigidity and strength of the bricks from be affected by rain, pointing is carried out by the skilled roofing contractors and builders who are eligible for their DL Roofing Solutions.

When a bricklaying procedure is carried out in which bricks are laid in order to be joined by using mortar, the gaps between the bricks could be susceptible to water soak-through because they are weak and could allow rainwater to enter and cause damage to the brick wall.

To satisfy this requirement working on pointing is performed using waterproof mortars which are inserted between bricks, which will ensure the best quality brick joints. Joints are constructed to a depth of 20-30mm to ensure the effective filling of the mortar to meet the shape and specifications. In order to drain rainwater from the upper surface that is the bottom brick the mortar slopes towards the outside to create the sturdy, rigid walls of the bricks.

The various tasks required with efficient weather pointing are accomplished by the expert knowledge of our experienced roofers to increase the value of the wall and provide long-term security. Customers can ask for a an estimate and get 24/7 assistance from our reliable customer care department. The work of dependable roofing contractors can be found with reasonable prices that will please our customers.